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Multicriteria Search
We have selected a collection of jewelry, Bijoux Pacifique ©, to help you discover the originality of abalone mother-of-pearl (abalone).   Aba...
A collection of jewelry not to be missed. With the arrival of fine weather, outdoor life, lighter clothes, darker skin, relaxation, idleness, going ou...
Here we bring you some details and information about cubic zirconia.   The origin of cubic zirconia: Cubic zirconia is what you might call a s...
Launch of the Bijoux Pacifique collection (Copie)
We have selected a collection of jewelry, Bijoux Pacifique ©, to help you discover the originality of abalone mother-of-pearl (abalone).   Aba...
Launch of the Bijoux Pacifique collection (Copie) (Copie)
We have selected a collection of jewelry, Bijoux Pacifique ©, to help you discover the originality of abalone mother-of-pearl (abalone).   Aba...
» » Launch of the Bijoux Pacifique collection (Copie) (Copie)

Launch of the Bijoux Pacifique collection (Copie) (Copie)

We have selected a collection of jewelry, Bijoux Pacifique ©, to help you discover the originality of abalone mother-of-pearl (abalone).


Abalone mother-of-pearl, haliotis in Greek, is named in many ways such as abalone mother-of-pearl, sea ear, sea mother-of-pearl, abalone shell, sea opal, Paua mother-of-pearl.


Mother of pearl is a mineral biosynthesized by certain varieties of molluscs to coat the inside of their shells.


The exoskeleton (shell) of the paua is oval, the outside being covered with gray encrustations. Inside, mother-of-pearl is an iridescent mix of several colors, including green, blue, purple, and sometimes pink. We were seduced by this dazzling, changing mother-of-pearl that lends itself to all kinds of shapes and assemblies without ceasing to amaze, with iridescent, bluish, mauve, pink, green reflections that are never identical depending on the light.


In our photographs we highlight all the facets of the different pieces while waiting for you to be able to discover this iridescent beauty firsthand.

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